Manga’s and Anime

Manga’s and Anime

In previous blog I have talk how comics differs form story board and why are the comics not used as story boards for future animated movies based on the certain comics. In this post I want to address that even though the comic books are not used as story boards they may be turned into animated movies or series. Very good example for this are manga’s such as” Naruto” or “Attack on Titan”.

Manga is style of Japanese comic book produced in Japan. The manga’s are aimed for all genders and ages where western comics are more aimed at children and teenagers. When I say all ages I also include also adults because some of the manga’s include brutal violence, horror, mystery, suspense and some even sex. In Japan Manga’s are very popular form of entertainment and therefore some of them are made into anime.

Anime are Japanese style of animation production. The word comes from word animation. Similarly to manga anime is also aimed on the same target audience as manga’s especially when some manga’s are being turned into anime. Anime are more than just a cartoons in Japan they are being taken seriously and some of the TV channels play anime during the prime times.

Manga vs Comics

What are the differences between comic and manga? Well most of the manga releases weekly but just parts of the full issue where the big western comic books are released usually every month full issue. Another difference is that manga is mainly black and white where western comic are fully coloured. Manga can be find in the general stores and newspaper stand in Japan where if you want to find quality western comic you will mainly have to go comic book stores.

Even though some manga’s are made into anime the animators do not use manga as story board. Story board for anime is made the same way as it is made for other types of animations, the story board is just based on the story that is shown in manga. If you read the manga and then watch the anime made after that manga you will notice that sometimes anime contains different scene or it complete rewrites the parts that are shown in manga. This happens when the manga contains something that is against the TV regulations or if the manga contains very disturbing parts they will be replaced with something different in anime to be more appropriate if the anime is shown in the prime time when there are even children watching.
(Manga for dummies)

Comic books into animated series

If we search for animated series based on comic we will see very few of them but these stories in these series are usually made up and do not follow the original comic books stories. Why are these type of animated movies not so popular in western cultures but in Japan they are huge hit? It is probably because the westerner thing of comic books as childish and do not give them a try. This maybe the reason but it my opinion it would be worth give it a try and create animated series based on comic books that would be aimed at same audience as are manga’s and I am pretty sure it would become very popular.


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